Based on the Tony Award-winning musical, "Dreamgirls" is set in the turbulent late 1960s and early '70s and follows the rise of a trio of women -- Effie (Jennifer Hudson), Deena (Beyonce' Knowles) and Lorrell (Anika Noni Rose) -- who have formed a promising girl group called The Dreamettes. At a talent competition, they are discovered by an ambitious manager named Curtis Taylor, Jr. (Jamie Foxx), who offers them the opportunity of a lifetime: to become the back-up singers for headliner James "Thunder" Early (Eddie Murphy). Curtis gradually takes control of the girls' look and sound, eventually giving them their own shot in the spotlight as The Dreams. That spotlight, however, begins to narrow in on Deena, finally pushing the less attractive Effie out altogether. Though the Dreams become a cross-over phenomenon, they soon realize that the cost of fame and fortune may be higher than they ever imagined.
My two cents: I can't wait to see and support this film; however, I do wish they'd cast an unknown for the role of Deena. Beyonce' is too large -- too much of a name for me. Like with the new Superman, I can't even remember the actor's name that played the lead role [but I'll add that he did an excellent job], but it worked. I was able to view the film as an original piece of work, and like it or not like it based on the complete body. Casting a superstar in a leading role like this takes a little away from the film in my opinion. Understanding that her name alone will draw a massive audience, I still think they could have turned a good movie-going experience into a spectacular one. But this is just my two cents.
My two cents: I can't wait to see and support this film; however, I do wish they'd cast an unknown for the role of Deena. Beyonce' is too large -- too much of a name for me. Like with the new Superman, I can't even remember the actor's name that played the lead role [but I'll add that he did an excellent job], but it worked. I was able to view the film as an original piece of work, and like it or not like it based on the complete body. Casting a superstar in a leading role like this takes a little away from the film in my opinion. Understanding that her name alone will draw a massive audience, I still think they could have turned a good movie-going experience into a spectacular one. But this is just my two cents.
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