Monday, November 13, 2006

Eponym Trivia

An eponym is a general term used to describe from what or whom something derived its name. Therefore, a proprietary eponym could be considered a brand name (trademark or service mark) which has fallen into general use. A very poplular one, for instance, is Kleenex. Obviously Kleenex is the brand name and facial tissue is the product. Here are some other popular eponyms:

- xerox
- coke
- scotch tape
- white out
- q-tip
- post-it-note

Betcha' didn't know that these, too, are eponyms:

- frisbee
- kool-aid
- popsicle
- styrofoam
- jello
- thermos
- hi-liter

My new most favorite eponym... GOOGLE!!

Be easy,

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