You might be a child of the 60s if…
- Hangups had nothing to do with the phone.
- You knew the words to "Dominique," yet you didn't know a word of French.
- "The Twist" was a dance – not a doughnut.
- You know that the first "moon walk" was taken by Neil Armstrong, not Michael Jackson.
- On TV, parents slept in separate beds.
- The word assassination took on a heartbreaking – and all too real – meaning.
- You rooted for that new baseball team, the New York Metropolitans (New York Mets to you later fans).
- You unraveled your jeans to have a fringe on them.
- Four words: "Sock it to me."
- You own every Bobby Rydell record ever made.
- You know what a record is.
- You know that the British Invasion was not a military operation.
- Your lipstick was white, not black.
- "More" was everybody's wedding song.
- "Turn on, tune in, drop out."
- A joint was not a corner bar and weed was not just an annoyance that poked out of the family yard.
- Jeans were called dungarees.
- Topics of heated discussion: Was Paul really dead? Does anyone know the real lyrics to "Woolly Bully"?
- Michael Jackson did not look like Diana Ross.
- You wore miniskirts the first time around and only wish you had the figure to wear them again.
- You still do drugs – but now they are aspirin.
- Songs about magic dragons and unicorns could actually be hits on the radio.
- Bilbo and Frodo were your Harry Potter.
- You wished you could be a California Girl.
- You loved Mickey Mantle; you hated Roger Maris.
- You wore bell bottoms – the first time around.
- You only had friends in fours so each of you could be one Beatle.
- The more patches your clothes had, the better.
- Your house only had a one-car garage because most families only had one car.
- You actually used a slide rule in math class.
- You'll never forget how you learned that JFK had died.
- You knew who had a bomb shelter.
- "Night of the Living Dead" terrified us.
- Fidel Castro terrified us even more.
- Gas cost less than 30 cents a gallon, had lead in it and the attendant pumped the gas, cleaned your windshield and sometimes fixed your car.
- Top hair accessories: an ironing board, pink rollers, beer cans, Dippity Do, and a hair dryer with a bonnet and a hose.
- Look that up in your Funk and Wagnalls!
- Watts was a section of Los Angeles where riots occurred, not the power of a bulb.
- You liked either the Beatles or the Rolling Stones – never both.
- You knew all the words to "Light My Fire."
- You thought saying "far out" was really far out.
- You would never trust anyone over 30.
- You followed Frank Zappa's advice and never ate yellow snow.
- You learned to dance by watching "American Bandstand," "Hulaballoo" and "Shindig."
- You know what "One ringy-dingy" means.
- Seven words: "Tonight, we have a really big show."
- You remember when the Ponderosa was not just a food chain.
- You rolled up your skirt after you left the house and rolled it back down before you got home.
- You wondered how you could get tickets to a little rock concert in the Catskills.
- You dreamed about becoming a surfer, even though you didn't live anywhere near the water and never even saw a surfboard!
- You either loved Dr. Kildare or Ben Casey – never both.
- Catholic Mass was said in Latin, and you thought "e cum spirituo" was a phone number.
- The Pill was more popular than Viagra.
- "Take it off, take it all off" was a shaving commercial.
- You still have your long ponytail, but it's gray now.
Far out!
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